Action shots...

It isn't every day when someone takes a really sweet photo of you. It's like a birthday present when you check your email and see yourself jumping a small kicker (my back tire is about to leave the air). You email your friend and tell them how much you appreciate them thinking of you.

When was the last time you asked a total stranger to take your picture? You know the scene. You're on the trail and a group of riders are taking pictures of each other. Then you, the famous of the famous, ask the riders to snap a quick shot of you. They oblidge, but roll their eyes in the process. Snap, click and your back on the trail hoping they don't erase the picture. I've asked many a stranger to do this and I've done it myself. I feel like we can all expand each other's photographic experience, and, in turn, our tricks on the trail.

Tell me about the last time you took a picture of someone you didn't know and sent it to them...

Be sure to check out the gallery...


Ashwin Amanna said…
Too bad the pic didn't show the air. People are posting lots of airborne pictures of their Iron Horse MKIIIs, 7 points, and Sundays. Not too many action shots of the Azure.