I Know Who Is Talking About You!

My friend gave me some insight into a new application called TechRidgy, which allows you to measure your social brand, and those of others with a few simple clicks. In other words, you will know where the social commentary is coming from without actually scouring the web to find each and every post, comment, link, etc. Typically used by PR and Marketing firms, the application has real value to bloggers and social butterflys too.

I started the service last week, and the value props have been hitting my inbox every day...  To start, I set my search terms, or the brands, I wanted to follow. In the example below, you can see that I'm tracking a super popular brand: me and my blog :)

With TechRidgy, I'm able to view the details, and measure the popularity of, well, me... Is this better than Google Alerts? You bet! The graph below truly outlines why...

Here, the app analyzes my overall hit rate, or times the brand has been featured. My gosh, you could go on for days on how to analyze your brand: tone, popularity, authors, etc. The power is all there to know who, what, when, where and why people talk about your brand!

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