What's Missing In Your Presentations? A Sense Of Surprise...

Remember the ultimate rule...

You have no right to waste anyone's time!

Do right by this and your presentations will never be a waste... Yet, to this day, people don't follow this simple rule. I view presentations from many sources yet still, I see a lack of concern for my time... Whatever do I mean? Simple:
  • A power point or keynote is NOT a text document, so stop treating it like that...
  • A power point or keynote is presentation tool... Speak to it, don't read from it...
  • "You've got seconds to grab someone's attention and only 10 minutes to keep it." Dr. John Medina, BrainRules
  • CREATE A STORY! And surprise me...!

                                                                                                        Were you expecting a chicken?

Garr Reynolds, PresentationZen, says it best...
Visuals that surprise people, touch them, delight them, and support your story are best because they affect people in an emotional way. People are more likely to remember your content in the form of  stories and examples, and they are also more likely to remember your content if your visuals are unique, powerful and of the highest quality.
Adobe ran an "best presentation" content on slideshare, so I figured, along with my bitching, I would show you the winner... Go ahead, start clicking below:

Notice something? I did...
  • Limited words, and only used when necessary
  • The pictures tell the story
  • Emotion is all over this presentation... And it is about a serious topic
So, the next time you prepare a presentation for your peers, your family, your friends, committee, or your dog, don't waste their time and make what you are saying memorable... 
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