The other day I was poking around on Pinterest. One of the categories I peruse is garage gyms. Due to the nature of the category, I witness other pictures too. If you haven't guess it, I'm seeing fitness dudes and girls of all types. Granted, we are talking about fitness models here, so I'm not complaining too much. However, I realized something...
One of the benefits of working out is that you look good, but are most of these folks are training for looks, not goals (or adventure)? "Look at me and my stellar abs!" and "hey, I have sculpted biceps beyond belief". Again, I applaud anyone with the determination to stick to a gym membership, but if you're just out for looks (body building competition aside) then I wonder if this is the right "way" to train? In other words, do we glorify looks over success? Maybe. Is that a bad thing? Maybe, maybe not. I do believe the crossfit phenomenon is a good indication of "training going the right direction " as the programs are goal-oriented. What are you thoughts?