Journal Entry...

If I had a choice between the outdoor training I’m doing and more snowfall, I would opt in for the snowfall. I’m tired; for all of the right reasons. Basically, the clear skis, warm temperatures and lack of snow or ice on the ground makes Durango a winter training paradise (for cyclists only). I’ve been completing my base rides during the week, which means I’m riding for at least 3 – 5 hours a day. I’ve also continued to develop my secret weapon. No, it has nothing to do with performance-enhancing substances.

My training rides are slow, and boring. Without the aid of my Ipod, I would have to be medicated for a mental lapse. This is my first foray into base riding. Base riding, for those of you in the unknown, is a system of long slow rides designed to build endurance. Basically, now is the time to spend riding mile after mile; hour after hour. I doubt if I’ll forgo the long high-country rides during the summer and fall. Yes, I’ll still hit those rides with a passion, but I’ll wait until Sunday, after a race day. My hope is that by putting in hundreds of hours on the road, I’ll have enough energy to last me through every race I enter. I shouldn’t say that my training is that scientific. I get on my bike, hit the road and take it slow. Actually, in preparation for such slow riding, I purchased a cheap wheelset. Talk about slow; I even put on thicker and heavier wheels that have been reinforced with Kevlar. My hope is that these wheels will generate more endurance building muscles. We’ll see…
