Lance...The Movie...

The rumors seem to be true! At least they are circulating like a mad dog with a tick on his ass. If you’re not in the circle of trust, I’ll break the news to you. The Lance Armstrong movie is becoming a serious blockbuster possibility.

With seven Tour de France wins, cancer survival on his tick list and a hot marriage to the beautiful Sheryl Crow, Lance Armstrong deserves a movie. Furthermore, the last time the nation was blessed with a cycling movie was the 1985 hit, American Flyers. It starred Kevin Costner as the older brother of a cycling phenom who had a tendency for Cerebral Aneurysms (ouch!). Before the eighties, we had Breaking Away to fill our dreams of cycling prowess. Starring Dennis Quaid, the story is about a young high school graduate’s addiction to cycling. His fervent love of the pedals takes him to the ultimate race, where he must prove his skill on the track. It is about time Hollywood pays closer attention to the sexy world of cycling.

Now, the question of who plays the role of Lance Armstrong must be answered. As a scientific experiment, I would like to look at the possibilities. Readers pay attention! What Hollywood star could play Lance Armstrong? He would have to fit, right? It might be a good idea that he look like Lance. Finally, the actor would need to look sharp on his Trek. Who would you cast as the star of the movie?


Cameron said…
Cameron said…
no no no.....I mean Walker. Walker Texas Ranger or Chuck Norris
Walker Thompson said…
I'm better looking than Lance. I could never play the part...