Club rides are cool...

Do you remember the get-a-long gang? It was a stupid cartoon. There was this moose, who was the leader, and other animals who played really well with each other. If there was a problem, then the get-a-long gang could solve it. Yeah, right, a moose? Whatever!

You're probably wondering what this has to do with cycling, but it has everything to do with it.

Do you do club rides? Usually, these rides are on the road. However, there are plenty of group rides that are for mountain bikers. Last night there were about a hundred mountain bikers hitting the trails. They all seemed to be in packs. It was good to see.

I started to wonder if this was more of a phenomenon. How many group rides are being formed at this very moment? Are there websites devoted to spreading the word? Well, the answer is yes.

I decided to visit a couple, just to see what they are like:
  1. Durango Wheel Club: you guessed it, I started with my hometown club! Every Tuesday we have our club ride. Yes, it is on the road. But, you'll find NORBA and World Cup champions on our rides: Todd Wells, Ned Overend, Tom Danielson. They are punishing! Many a mountain bike trip has formed during these meetings.
  2. The Louisville Bicycle Club: I couldn't forget Kentucky! Founded in 1897, the Louisville Bicycle club has a lot to offer the recreational cyclist. They also have a cool list of HUGE organized rides. Check it out here.
  3. Tacoma Wheelmen's Bicycle Club: when I think of these riders in Washington, I think of slippery roads and people with protective gear on their bodies. I also noticed their event page. Really cool rides planned here.
  4. Oklahoma Earth Bike: once again, I'm showing favorites here. Yes, I'm originally from Oklahoma, but who would have thought the OK state had mountain biking. Well, they just had a race. Be sure to click on the link for more information.
  5. Bicycle Long Island: this group is a collection of five bike clubs in New York. Their bold initiative is to combine forces and, well, RIDE!
I leave you with this list, because I feel like clubs (road or mountain) do a lot for our sport. They are part of the organizational stream. They make cycling known.

Now, go out a join a club. You'll meet new ridding buddies and will have a great time!


