Phonak is no longer...

If you haven't heard the latest news, then I'm sorry to report to you that the Phonak team is no more! Click here to learn more from the internet press.

I'm sure this isn't hard to believe after the Floyd Landis affair, but needless to say a sad moment for our sport. Whether you are a mountain biker or a roadie we all share in the hurt this brings to international cycling. And, I'm sure you're just about over the commentary about doping in cycling. However, I want to bring to your attention the recent interview by Velonews with Pat McQuaid, UCI President. In this article McQuaid talks about the extent of their new testing programs and he alludes to other systems that will decrease the drug appeal.

So what are these systems? If you were a professional cyclist and you had one chance to win a race what would prevent you from doping? If you think your ethics would be enough, think again. The fact is the competition is BRUTAL. As spectators do we accept slower speeds from racers? Do we stop praising the homerun champion? What can solve this problem?
