My Sunday Morning Moment: Bootstrapper Collaboration

Sunday mornings deserve most the credit. Call them what you will: “slow Sunday mornings”, “day of rest” or “beginning of your week”. For me, they are spent researching, reading and rewinding. I try to go deep so to speak. I pull back and think about ideas. My time includes a few Google searches to find new resources, blogging to think more about ideas and also answering questions on I also dust off a few books, grab some coffee and actually stop to read a few chapters. This Sunday morning, I found a new source of collaboration coolness and I wanted to share.

It all started with my thoughts on SXSWi. South by Southwest Interactive is a shining example of collaboration! Originally SXSW was bands performing for fans, but in 1994 something happened to this traditional music festival. The company coordinating SXSW, the musicians and the music industry evolved. New forms of entertainment like new media and gamming had to be discussed AND SXSWi would be the stage! Since 1994, the entire world has been shaken by the ideas, conversations, insights and passions at SXSWi; including me! What got me going was a read from the blog In particular, I found their commentary on the SXSWi panel discussion on Bootstrapping through Entrepreneur Collaboration Networks extremely interesting. But that’s just what piqued my interest, I then went further…

Bootstrapping Collaboration, I found, is a collection of practice; a way of collaborating. Bijoy Goswami is the host; co-developer and evangelist of Bootstrap Bootcamp which helps teams coordinate and understand this collaborative approach. Some highlights of his approach include…

Collaboration is a series of integrations linked together by the power of two (think Yin and Yang meeting Yin and Yang meeting Yin and Yang and so on…)

The founding team is most important and must have complimentary energies:




The Path of bootstrapping collaboration include three outputs:

Ideation -> demo

Valley of death -> sell

Growth -> build

But don’t take my word for it… Watch the overview by Bijoy Goswami here…


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