Over 4,000 Unique Visitors, But It Still Isn't Social Media

I now feel comfortable announcing that ChainRingAction has received over 4,000 hits. My hit counter is near the bottom right corner. No, ChainRingAction doesn't possess social phenomenon status, nor will it probably ever. But I would like to increase the amount of social networking technologies that would turn my blog into more of a community, or at least generate more comments. 

Recently, I took a read through the old owners of www.yourmtb.com's playbook. The white paper detailed what tactics to use to create "your" social network and what companies/media are doing it right. Here's a great list to consider when building social "sites". 

1. Resist the urge to control and let the consumer have freedom of expression, within the core rules you have set down. 

2. Use social media and social networking as a way to listen. 

3. Treat your relationships with consumers as long-term conversations. 

4. Bring consumers into your inner circle. 

5. Find incentives to encourage participation. Incentives get people to take a risk and post. 

6. You can find 6 - 10 here...

My desire to create more interaction is just an idea. An approach to reaching out to the people in this world so they share their ideas and insight on this blog. If anything, maybe one day someone will read this and add more incredible content which helps all of us in life. Stay tuned to more technology... 
