What did you do on the 4th of July day?

Interviewing people about what they did during the July 4th "day" was a goal of mine last night. By attending a few parties, I was able to capture about 10 "here's what I did during my day comments".

The reason for my interviews? Well, beyond the fireworks display, I wanted to see how people spent time enjoying our country (which I call celebrating). No people didn't tell me they spent time signing happy birthday to the country. I didn't hear anything like, "oh, we visited all our national monuments". To me, this isn't what matters. What I was curious about are the answers about everyday life. To me, this is what makes American great - our everyday freedom!

Some of the responses to: what did you do on the 4th of July day?

Dan: "I washed and waxed two cars: a truck and a sports car"

Rick: "We ran a 5k running race, and it was great. Where were you?"

Matt: "We went down the river and got kicked out of our boat in the rapids"

Jiles: "We did a high-country hike"

Walker: "I did two singlespeed rides, rode two downhill trails and went bouldering"

Only in America can so many people do so many things... I love this country!
