The Mate Mind...

Not to long ago, I created a blog post about the "Morning Mate' Mind". I now think there is something to say about the all-day and all-night working mate' mind. Call it the coffee crash; the caffeine cool down or say it with style, "I got no BEAN-ergy", coffee will take you from buzzing addict to nowhere fast. Believe me, I know. Last night I watched coffee drinkers, one by one go from zip to zapped in just a few hours. Whereas I was perky and painfully personable, during our all night working session. But why the difference?

Some might argue that my AD/HD (Attention Deficient Hyper Active Disorder) diagnosis has something to do with my constant awakeness, but I'm not so sure. To me, it is the awakened mind - the Mate' mind.There are experts on this subject, let's see why people crash on coffee...

Here are a few more myths about coffee caffeine, effectively debunked:

Caffeine Gives You Energy

* Caffeine does not provide energy, only chemical stimulation. The perceived “energy” comes from the body’s struggle to adapt to increased blood levels to stress hormones.

Caffeine Gives You a Lift

* Using coffee for mood enhancement is a short-term blessing and a long-term curse. While the initial adrenal stimulation may provide a transient antifatigue “lift”, caffeine’s ultimate mood effect is a letdown, either subtle or profound.

Caffeine Sharpens Your Mind

* While caffeine users may feel more alert, the experience is simply one of increased sensory and motor activity (dilated pupils, increased heart rate, and higher blood pressure). The quality of thought and recall is improved no more than the quality of music is improved when played at a higher volume or speed!

Now, the for the tea people - ahhh the difference of a Mate' mind...

* I got nasty habits; I take tea at three. -Mick Jagger

* Tea is nought but this: first you heat the water, then you make the tea. Then you drink it properly. That is all you need to know. -Sen Rikyu

* Tea does our fancy aid, Repress those vapours which the head invade, And keeps that palace of the soul serene. -Edmund Waller

Drink Pixie Mate
Vote Obama
