Health2.0 Conference...

Way cool...

Scene: main hall where lectures occur. Three 20'x20' screens span a wide stage. The room is deep with people. There are speakers and great camera work capturing their movements. The sound is also great. Then there's after the presentations. People are so open to conversation. "What do you do?" opens any conversation. Some of my conversations have been interesting:

- Mckesson Technologies: web-based PAX sysetm integrated with 30 hospitals. They make dicom easier.
- LOTS of Sermo people
- BeWell is cool. They want to collaborate.
- CaringBridge. Social me-portal for suffering patients to communicate.
- Very cool. Insurance data manager.
- PharmaSurveyor. Cool drug side effect calculator.
- Novartis. I said hi.
- Olive. Development outsourcing company.
- Private access. Can't remember.
- Brian Klepper, PhD. I said hi.
- Merck. Said, "you should talk to CRO's...!!!!"
- Within3. I like these guys. Cool "who's connected with me" feature in a doctors-only network.
