10 Great Dinner Party Questions

I love rich and engaging conversation. Debate, arguing, logic, strong positions, opinions, I love them all... This might be the reason I love those games that inspire discussion. One game we play a lot of comes in a small 4" by 4" by 4" by 4" box. Inside of the box are cards. Each card has one question on it. The questions inspire the kind of talking that I love. At the end of the game (whenever you don't ask any more questions), you learn so much about someone, or everyone. Below are some great questions:

1. If you had to do it all over again, would you choose the same career path?

2. What were (or might be) the best years of your life?

3. What was the hardest decision you’ve made?

4. What are you passionate about?

5. What do you consider to be your strongest character traits?

6. What traits or habits do you wish you didn’t have?

7. Has life made you more hopeful or more cynical?

8. What do you consider to be the biggest world events of your lifetime?

9. What are you most proud of in your life?

10. What do you hope to be remembered for?


Matthew Ozvat said…
1.If you had to do it all over again, would you choose the same career path?

No, I would go into Sales, Marketing or Medicine; specifically sports/exercise science related.

2.What were (or might be) the best years of your life?

1991 – Present. 1991, the year I moved away from my parents.

What was the hardest decision you’ve made?

Leaving the military.

4.What are you passionate about?

“Always closing” and “showing progress”

5.What do you consider to be your strongest character traits?


6.What traits or habits do you wish you didn’t have?

Less demanding upon myself and others.

7.Has life made you more hopeful or more cynical?

Cynical, we are all doomed.

8.What do you consider to be the biggest world events of your lifetime?

"Hoo Yah" - Military experiences.

9.What are you most proud of in your life?

My offspring.

10.What do you hope to be remembered for?

Staying ahead of the game, visionary thinking, pushing the envelope with everything I can.
Walker Thompson said…
Thanks for the comments Matt! Great answers...