Can There Really Be A "Best Headphone"?

Skull Candy Titan Headphones... The best? 
Sure... Why not? I'm a huge fan of the Skull Candy Titan's. Especially the ones with the woven cord (like you see here, and can buy here). If you're the type that trains hard, and a lot during the week then likely you listen to music, and so you wear headphones. Great, good! Any product will suffice. However, if you're the type that just doesn't listen to music, but talk radio or NPR news then you need a higher end headphone! Enter Skull Candy Titans. These buds ROCK! From windy road rides to shredding down a DH run, the Titan's keep the noise out! Oh, also, they work great on any plane ride and will prevent that noisy toddler from disturbing you. I'm sure these Bose ear buds are rad too, but they are expensive and when you have expensive things, well, we tend to not use them as much (or at least I don't). Take the Titans for a climb, spin, shred or some turns down the slopes!
