Life Lessons While Skiing The Back Country, But This One?

No one has ever accused me of being a mellow dude... Nope, not once! Not a shocker if you know me. But I've learned throughout the years that although my intensity is a blessing, a driver and my mantra, not everyone is so appreciative. Through my passions, because I spend so many hours involved in their pursuit, I also receive life lessons and learn more about myself.

Over the weekend, I learned more about group dynamics, and the personalities therein. And I have a strong feeling that these dynamics are particularly apparent while back country skiing (or off piste runs). For example, some folks, the ones I'd classify as "Walkers", are more intense and have a burning desire to shred. They do care about the group, but if they feel confident then they are just going to go! There are the "coaches" whom have a tendency to instruct and advise. There are "safety advisors", or those who worry about the group's survival. There are, of course, the "FUN(or)FEARs" who just go with the dominant attitude of the group - fear or fun. Even though each attitude/person is different, the challenge is they all need to connect and communicate. And this is where problems can occur.

So my lesson is to learn from other members of the group. To always see how gently a coach maximizes a learning opportunity. Perhaps I can work on not disregarding a safety advisor's call for concern. Better yet, I can go along with the group, yeah right, and just do what ever they want. My goal isn't to change my personality, I'm 36-years-old, so that's probably not going to happen, but to modify my actions so a positive group dynamic is maintained.

As Bruce Lee said, "Learn yourself through interactions with others"


canuckinco said…
Sounds all too familiar :-)
Adam Howell said…
I've been thinking about this a lot lately.

Just getting people to commit to going up in the high country when the Colorado Avalanche Information Center says the risks are high can be challenging. For all of the safety advisors that refuse to do any back country run right after a snow, I have to say that not all slopes are created equal.

When I can get friends to do back country, it is also my goal to improve my skills at maintaining a positive group dynamic.