The Search For Angels, And Doubt

This fascinating TedRadioHour post by NPR examines the very core of our belief systems. The thinkers, authors and ideators discuss their reactions and non-reactions to religion. Be that Rev. Bill Graham's daughter to something called Atheism 2.0. But the part of the talk I found most interesting concerned Muhammad's representation of his religious experience, and how powerful it was, to me...

I've never really studied Muhammad's spiritual journey, but the fact that he thought he was crazy during his religious enlightenment says a lot to me (he even thought about committing suicide). Furthermore, he doesn't write about halos or an amazing light show, but just his thoughts on the whole thing and his revelation on a very important and wonderful religion. To me, the most powerful part of all this is how human Muhammad really is. He has doubt. The TedTalk speaks to this in the most profound way: to doubt is human... I love this... Something to think about this Holiday season, and life in general.
