Quick Update On My Minimalist Approach

I wrote a blog post a few weeks ago to remind myself one thing: less is more; approach minimalism with a goal (the post is here: https://chainringaction.blogspot.com/2019/01/minimalism-my-four-steps-in-2019.html). So far, I'd grade myself a B...

Yes, I've reduced a little... I had a throw-away party, but really waiting for the summer to execute my garage sale of life! Be sure to come by.

Yes, I've stuck to my goal of not buying much that doesn't align to my passions. Or, if I've had to buy things, I've opted for less expensive items (clothing mainly).

Yes, I'm trying to stick to being less of a "stupid consumer" and that's the heart of minimalism... With less, we WANT more. To that end, I'm trying to curb my Amazon instinct. I'm trying to shop local and planning purchases when I'm near our downtown area. The problem is Amazon... I get it, so another minimalism goal is to shop local!

More to come, so stay tuned... If you're practicing minimalism, what's your plan?
