When was the last time you posted your thoughts on an online forum? I posted a new thread (discussion topic) on Dirt Rag’s forum. It felt good to state an opinion that anyone could respond too. It was liberating. I’ll ask the question again, when was the last time you posted something on a forum or even posted an opinion on a blog? Isn’t it time you took a stand on something?
You see, blogs, forums and discussion pages are quickly becoming some of the most trusted and most widely read news sources. If you’ve ever looked on CNN’s website, you’ll find that some of their reporters use blogs. I’m sure that Fox, MSN, CBS, NBC and The Onion all utilize these non-traditional formats in some fashion. So the professionals are using them, but why not you?
These systems have created a different kind of voice in
I want to put it out there to everyone who has read ChainRingAction. Go through the list of posts below and pick one to respond too. Come on, it isn’t tough. Make opinion known…